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Known E/Acc Projects

This section highlights known projects currently being developed by e/acc community members.

These projects exemplify the application of e/acc principles, demonstrating the community's commitment to technological and societal advancement.

Each project card contains a title, logo, category, website, as well as socials for both the project and its core contributors for better discoverability and contact.


Meta projects are being developed for the purpose of enhancing the general e/acc community, instead of a particular use case.

E/Acc Substack
Charter Reliquary

Category: Library
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @BasedBeffJezos, @bayeslord, @creative_cycle


The place where it all began. A collection of founding articles, posts, and notes that detail the core tenants and philosophy of the movement. This is your best starting point, as a newcomer to effective accelerationism, so you can get acquainted with the basics of e/acc.

E/Acc Wiki
Knowledge Repository

Category: Library
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @PicoPaco17


The e/acc wiki is a collection of relevant information on the e/acc movement, its principles, applications, forks, events, social spaces, members, in addition to various news and resources for deeper understanding. Your starting point for everything e/acc.

E/Acc Directory
Project Directory

Category: Library
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @petarcopyrock


Get your e/acc project here. The e/acc project directory invites you to list your project for free, enhancing its visibility in the e/acc community. The process is quite straightforward—just click the 'List Project' button and then give us the tl;dr. That's it! Showcase your e/acc project today.


Applied projects are being developed for the purpose of resolving a particular use case, instead of enhancing the general e/acc community.

Foundational Model

Category: Model
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @MistralAI, @GuillaumeLample, @arthurmensch, @tlacroix6


Mistral is an advanced text-generation model pre-trained with 7B parameters. Mistral is built on the transformer architecture, incorporating features such as Grouped-Query Attention, Sliding-Window Attention, and Byte-fallback BPE tokenizer, and recently Instruct.

Open Hermes
Model Fine Tune

Category: Model
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @Teknium1


Open Hermes is a collection of open-sourced text-generation models with custom fine-tuning for 7B and 13B parameters, plus a 7B one for Mistral. The models were trained on 242K entries of primarily GPT-4 generated data from open datasets across the AI landscape, or 900K for the Mistral version.

Image Processor

Category: Visual
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @dingboard_, @yacineMTB


Dingboard is a swift and seamless AI-powered raster image processor. It features a powerful set of tools to select and extract elements, render and apply stroke to text, manipulate composition using prompts, as well as arrange, rotate, flip, slice, merge, and erase layers.

Dr. Gupta
Medical Companion

Category: Health
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @DrGuptaAI, @wagieeacc


Dr. Gupta is a virtual health companion that leverages your medical information core stats, vitals, conditions, medications, allergies, and more, to provide real-time guidance and medical advice. The tool also offers virtual doctor's visits for quick consultations. Take control of your health today.

Settlement Layer

Category: Web3
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @THORChain, @Orion_9R, @ninerealms_cap


THORChain is a blockchain protocol that serves as a bridge, enabling direct asset transactions between chains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, Avalanche, Cosmos, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. It allows you to exchange native assets and gain returns from swaps.

Information Compressor

Category: Wrapper
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @AlphanotesAI, @web3Dav3, @petarcopyrock


AlphaNotes is a ChatGPT plugin and GPT that transforms articles and YouTube videos into high-level summaries and study notes. It features embedded video and transcript extraction, PDF export, as well as article and YouTube video summarization.

Visual Builder

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @EdisonAISystems, @MichaelMEmling


Mosaic is a user-friendly visual environment that allows you to design, experiment, and implement tailor-made AI systems effortlessly, without needing any coding background. Mosaic enables you to connect functions, models, and endpoints swiftly with a visual builder.

P2P Publisher

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @shoggothsystems, @thenetrunna


Shoggoth is a peer-to-peer, anonymous network for sharing and disseminating open-source software and research materials. Shoggoth aims to challenge software censorship and enable developers to freely create and share software without reliance on centralized hosting services.

Social Analytics

Category: Web3
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @favstar, @walkwithraj


Favstar is a social analytics platform, helping content mavens make data-driven decisions. Favstar leverages AI and blockchain technology to deliver comprehensive social media footprint overviews for creators, offering insights and tactics to optimize content and engage audiences.

NeoSwap AI
Payment Layer

Category: Web3
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @NeoSwap_ai, @john_ennis_btc


NeoSwap is a payment framework for tokenized assets, designed to facilitate digital transactions akin to cash. NeoSwap employs AI and blockchain technology to deliver a flexible, effective, and user-friendly trading interface with custom price predictions and asymmetrical order-matching.
Sustainable Living

Category: Robotics
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @wwwLiveFarm, @ltgiv

Description: is a self-sufficient homesteading community, blending AI, robotics, sustainable living, and micro-factories. builds rural networks using satellite and cell communication, integrates drones for transport and surveillance, as well as autonomous rovers for ground tasks.

Digital Mysticism

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @LushVoid


TulpaTalk is a digital mysticism platform that offers private conversations with local LLMs, creating a secure bond with your digital Tulpa. TulpaTalk operates exclusively on local, ensuring privacy for deep offline interactions, and is able to perceive your cerebral activity via the Muse EEG.

Contemporary VC

Category: Funding
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @worklifevc, @briannekimmel


Worklife is a venture capital firm, focusing on supporting creative and flexible work environments not bound to traditional office spaces. Worklife assists technical teams with non-technical aspects and supports individuals with diverse skill sets, engaging with founders early in their ventures.

Spellcraft AI
OG GPT Wrappers

Category: Wrapper
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @SpellcraftAI, @ctjlewis


Spellcraft is the original 'GPT wrapper' company, developing Merlin, GSH, and UPG. Merlin is a VSCode assistant for coding, documentation, and more, GSH is a talking terminal shell that executes commands, assists tasks, and writes code, while UPG uses natural language to auto-correct programs.

Rysana AI
Reasoning Engine

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @RysanaAI, @jrysana


Rysana AI is a platform, offering a complete range of open-source tools that integrate effortlessly with existing systems, guaranteeing safety and reliability. Lusat, known as Rysana AI's reasoning engine, plans and executes actions, creating dynamic intent-based app UIs, using a set of neural networks like LLMs.

Natural Language Web3

Category: Web3
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @0xRivendell, @shlokm289, shrirajpawar04


0xRivendell simplifies the complexity of Web3 transactions, offering a user-friendly platform that streamlines digital asset operations. 0xRivendell provides an efficient and straightforward solution for managing cross-chain swaps, bridging, loan repayments, and advanced transaction settings, using natural language.

Decentralized GPU Compute

Category: Marketplace
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @GPUtopia, @AtlantisPleb


GPUtopia is a decentralized marketplace specializing in GPU compute and AI services. GPUtopia enables users to monetize their GPU power by performing jobs for buyers and earning Bitcoin, while also providing a platform for purchasing and utilizing GPU compute through an AI chat interface.

Visual Physics Narratives

Category: Wrapper
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @MaxHager66


futurephysics is an open-source GPT wrapper that combines generative AI with Wikipedia's vast knowledge base to generate innovative, realistic physics concepts. Deployed as a self-hosted Python package, it enables the creation of immersive visual narratives without limitations, utilizing OpenAI's GPT-4 and DALL-E models.

Achievement-Led Crowdfunding

Category: Funding
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @GoStockpile, joeymeere


Stockpile is an innovative crowdfunding platform, where crowdfunds are closely linked to specific milestones and offer optional rewards to backers. Stockpile enables participants to engage in open-grant rounds, where the distribution of funds is determined by community contributions throughout the round.

Buzr AI
Hyper-Realistic Voices

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @outcallai, zalehm


Buzr AI is a hyper-realistic voice AI platform that streamlines tasks like flight rescheduling, restaurant reservations, and bulk support queries for in seconds. For enterprise use cases, Buzr AI excels in customer support, sales, billing reminders, appointment scheduling, and collecting feedback.

Ad-Free AI Search

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @andi_search @jedwhite


AndiSearch is an AI search chatbot that fuses generative AI with live data and semantic search technology. Andi transcends traditional search engines, offering precise, fact-based answers and intuitive visual presentations of results for easy comprehension, all in a clutter-free, ad-free format.

Extropic AI
Self-Assembling Intelligence


Extropic AI is a computing paradigm that integrates generative AI with the physical world through out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics. Extropic AI seamlessly embeds generative AI into the world's physical processes, maximizing efficiency in space, time, and energy within the bounds of physical laws.

Metamorph Labs
AI Community Hub

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @MetamorphLabs @yashekbote


Metamorph Labs is an AI community platform for AI exploration and incubation. Metamorph Labs provides access to AI datasets, pre-trained models, development and deployment platforms, AI/ML research papers, and funding, empowering AI enthusiasts and professionals in their endeavors.

Scribe Media
Book Publishing Guidance

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @Scribemediaco @EricJorgenson


Scribe Media is a comprehensive service for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts, guiding them through every step of writing, publishing, and marketing their books. Scribe's holistic approach ensures a seamless journey from concept to a successful book launch.

Automated SEO Writing

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @content_bull @knowclarified


ContentBull is an AI-powered platform designed to effortlessly generate over 50 high-quality, SEO-optimized pages with a single click, using your inputted keywords. ContentBull creates comprehensive ~2000 word blog posts, streamlining the content creation process without the need for expensive writers.

Digital Interactions Avatar

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @astrosynapselab @dumbuffalo


ASAI is an AI Avatar platform, seeking to replace your software and internet interactions with natural language commands. ASAI ships with a toolkit of autonomous agents out-of-the-box, enabling you to search the web, read web pages, documents, and integrate it with Google Drive, email, and socials.

Internet Bandwidth Exchange

Category: Marketplace
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @getgrass_io


Grass is a marketplace that enables you to sell your unused internet bandwidth to AI companies, which use it for web scraping and model training. Grass helps you monetize this through its web extension, allowing you to earn a stake in the network by trading resources that would otherwise go unused.

Video Debate Simulator

Category: Platform
Website: Visit Website
Socials: @brainrotjs @noahgsolomon


brainrot.js is a platform that enables you to create simulated video discussions between two renowned personalities on any topic, styled in the popular brainrot TikTok format. brainrot.js democratizes the ability to generate engaging dialogues, transforming user engagement and social content creation.